Peanuts Wasabi

A Japanese bite beyond boundaries

Ignite your taste buds with our Wasabi Peanuts, a bold and thrilling snack that embodies Japanese excellence and purity. Precisely crafted, these peanuts offer a unique, explosive sensation: a flavour that leaves a lasting impression.

What makes this snack exceptional is the fiery intensity of Japanese wasabi, creating an experience that begins with a punch and evolves into a lingering heat. Dares to push boundaries with the essence of bold snacking.


Source of Fibre

Source of Vitamin B9

Source of Vitamin E

Source of Phosphorus


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Peanuts & Wellbeing

Peanuts are rich in monounsaturated fats, and they contribute to wellness by facilitating a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, peanuts contain vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin E, vitamin B9 and phosphorus, supporting overall well-being and making them a smart and delicious choice for a wholesome snack.

Here are some of our Peanuts’ health benefits:

It is important to have a balanced, varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.

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In Grau, we care for the planet. For this reason, we work daily towards sustainable local practices that help reduce our environmental footprint, including reducing our energy consumption through solar panels, reducing water consumption and seeking new means for optimal production and delivery of our products.