Roasted Corn

Roasted and Slightly Salted

Embark on a crispy adventure with our Roasted Corn – a wholesome and original snack. Our corn is a celebration of natural sweetness and nutty undertones. Sprinkled with a hint of sea salt, it’s a guilt-free delight. 

Did you know that corn is a staple of ancient civilizations in the Americas, where it held mystic meaning? Snack smart, snack with a story!

Source of Fibre

Low Sugar

Low Saturated Fat

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Roasted Corn & Wellbeing

The roasting process preserves the natural fibre content of corn, supporting digestive health and promoting regular bowel movements. Additionally, roasted corn has a low sugar and low saturated fat content, making it a flavorful and wholesome choice for those seeking a snack that combines crunch with nutritional goodness.

Here are some of our Roasted Corn’s health benefits:

It is important to have a balanced, varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.

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to the Planet

In Grau, we care for the planet. For this reason, we work daily towards sustainable local practices that help reduce our environmental footprint, including reducing our energy consumption through solar panels, reducing water consumption and seeking new means for optimal production and delivery of our products.